Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chapter One: Intro to the Internet

With technology quickly evolving, it is uncommon for one to go about their everyday life without using the Internet in one way or another.  The Internet allows one another to share information and communicate.  Internet provides opportunities such as online shopping, ways for students to get an education, and accessing business and personal information.  The Internet is used by all people in different stages of life.  I can say that I am a daily user of the Internet either doing schoolwork, shopping, or networking through e-mail and Facebook.  It is interesting to see the history of the Internet and how much it has changed.  Advanced Research Projects Agency, also known as ARPA, was created to initiate a push for scientific advances.  In 1966, ARPA was convinced to use packet switching.  This meant that data was separated from a sending computer and sent independently into smaller units called packets over cables and then reassembled them back on the receiving computer.  This network became known as ARPANET.  It was not until 1992 that the U.S opened the Internet to commercial users.  There are different methods to connect to the Internet such as dial-up by using a telephone line to connect to an Internet service provider.  Dial-up is much slower and has been overshadowed by faster methods including digital subscriber line (DSL), cable, fixed wireless, and mobile wireless.  All methods have there advantages and disadvantages and vary in costs.  I enjoy being able to connect to the Internet on the go through my smartphone.  It makes staying up to date with school assignments and in communication with others much easier.     

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