Monday, October 21, 2013


Here are a few of the websites that I use most and have posted to my Symbaloo.


Here is the link to my new Twitter account.  I plan to use this account to stay up to date with news and updates on what is going on around the world and locally.  I am familiar with twitter and use it daily.  I believe it is a great social networking tool.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Chapter 2 - Browsing the Web

The World Wide Web consists of a vast collection of documents that feature text, pictures, sound, animation, and video.  These documents are called web pages.  A collection of web pages makes up a web site.  The primary web page of a web site is called a home page.  Usually web sites include multiple web pages.

A web browser must send a request for a copy of the web page to the web server before it can be displayed.  To do this, a web browser uses the domain name and URL to find the IP address.  This address is where the web page is stored.  An IP address or Internet Protocol address is a number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the Internet.  It is similar to how a postal service relies on a mailing address to make sure that mail is delivered to the correct recipient.

IP addresses are difficult for people to remember therefore web servers typically are referenced by a domain name.  A domain name is a text alias for one or more IP addresses.  Domain names are grouped by top-level domain (TLD).  TLD is an abbreviation that identifies the type of organization associated with the domain.  For example, .edu is the TLD abbreviation for Educational Institutes and .gov is the TLD abbreviation for Government entities.  Each web page also has its own unique address called a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).  The URL is made up of 4 parts.  First the protocol, then the domain name, next the path, and lastly the file name.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Net Neutrality

Personally, I am not familiar with net neutrality and all that it entails. Through Internet research I have found that net neutrality means that Internet service providers should not be allowed to block or charge extra for content and applications that run on the Internet. Net neutrality is the principle that protects our free and open Internet. I feel that net neutrality is important and should be initiated into enforceable law to keep Internet service providers from potentially charging user’s fees to access web sites. Larger companies want to charge more money for faster connections and smoother access to web sites. These companies believe that they can charge web site operators and application providers for the right to use the network. Those who are not willing to pay, without net neutrality, would experience discrimination as the network would not load their content as quickly as the other sites who are willing to pay and applications wouldn’t work as well. 

Net neutrality would not allow Internet service providers to decide what parts of the Internet that people can access and what parts are blocked. Without the idea of net neutrality, competition would be eliminated. Small entrepreneurs would be knocked out of the competition as larger corporations would be able to pay for a top spot on the web unlike the businesses just starting out. Net neutrality allows an even level of competition for all websites and Internet technologies. Through the pro’s and con’s of net neutrality, it can be seen how net neutrality favors the people over corporations.